I really had a lot to do and taking the "boys" for a walk takes about an hour since they fool around a lot. But Twister was nice and said "please"????
So we went off for a walk in the woods, my Husband and I own 11 acres in the woods of Vermont and we've made some great hiking trails, its really neat how the little goats will follow me where ever I go so they really are fun to take for walks.
Tsunami was soon munching away at all the yummy stuff he could find!
"Thanks Twister , that was a GREAT idea to go for a walk!"
Hurricane, my little butterball, (or as my daughter likes to call him a toasted marshmellow) He wasn't so sure, he had plenty of hay in the barn he looked at me as if to say "You know this green stuff is getting lots harder to find!"
Tornado was quite happy though! "Mom, this stuff is really yummy!"
"Aren't I CUTE Mom?"
Meanwhile Tornado was bragging about how he tricked me into taking him for a walk when he really only wanted to go as far as the nearest patch of brush in the woods!
Hey! make room for me!!!
Cylone is a bit older than the others and he decided to get away from them fooling around and went to find his own patch of weeds to eat!
Tsunami found some that everyone else missed!

MMMM MMMM MMMM Munch, Munch, MMM I, mmmucnch, Love munch, munch, you mmmmmm Mom!!! Munch, Munch!
Twister decided to show of his acrobatic skills and practice his balance beam routine.
"So how did I do Mom? How many points do you give me?"
The Sun was starting to head down behind the mountain and soon it would be getting dark in the woods so we started to wander our way back down the hill. "Mom, can we PLEASE stay out longer? "
Goats are just like deer pretty much , when they hear something they freeze then run!
"Wait, what was that?" ....... "Oh, it was just one of those silly striped things"
Hurricane thought it was funny that Tornado was scared of a Chipmunk and he started running around laughing at him!
Cyclone had to come back with the bunch to see what was so funny. But he told Hurricane it wasn't nice to laugh at Tornado even though it was silly to be scared of a Chipmunk.
Hey Tornado come on look at all these good ferns! MMMM they are yummy!!
"I'm coming Hurricane! ...oh , wait, what was THAT?"
" Tornado, it was just another Chipmunk, come on! We still want to have fun before Mom makes us go back in our fence"
Its fun to watch the goats as they try to reach all the leaves on the pricker bushes. The reach like a giraffe with short legs! Tornado was still looking for that illusive chipmunk!
We were almost down the hill when the boys discovered a newly uncovered pile of logs.
"Hey Hurricane, wanna climb up here?"
"Okay Tornado, I'll go first"
"Push over Tornado, I'm going next"
"Hey! That was fun! Tsunami are you coming!?"
"Yep! Watch OUT! Here I come!"
"That was so much fun I want to do that again!"
"Well, maybe not that was alot of work, I'll just pretend my foot itches instead"
"I'll just go down this way instead"
The boys were having a really good time nibbling this and that and then running back to me , I'd get just so far away from them and they would just run as fast as they could to catch up. They are just so much fun!
Twister was going to eat everything he could find.
Hurricane was doing his best to clean up all the dried leaves he could find.
" Oh geez Mom really?? Do I have to ? Okay.....*sigh* "CHEESE"
So we were back to the bottom of the hill again I picked the boys some yummy berry bushes for them to nibble on inside their fence, they could munch on then until Dinner time later on. It was a nice walk, nothing better than being out doors and having someone to go for a walk with!