Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Why do I need more?


So I got me some new work boots to do some serious work hopefully soon! Last week the snow was melting like crazy and I had just cleared the spot where I'm going to build my shed/chicken coop and low and behold BANG more snow fell to the tune of 5".  I swear I will not be discouraged!  

I added another day to my workout schedule by going to the gym Saturdays for some intense YOGA . I feel the workouts are making me stronger already :) I am really enjoying my life, I have my moments of grief of course but in between I am loving life, getting out to the library, laundry, shopping, the gym, out to lunch with friends, walks, and Loving my little space.

Only thing that bugs me is I get the feeling that some people feel sorry for me, or think because I'm living in this unusual building that I'm financially desperate. Which is NOT the case at all, I don't think some think that they could live in a tiny space with less stuff, but I tell you how much stuff do you really need? How much space ? I have all these clothes packed away and wonder if I will ever unpack them haha! 

So today I gave my deposit to my builder/helper and he is going to start on the space that will eventually be my bedroom ( mine and the animals)  because I live on a dirt road there is a rule in Vermont that you can't drive big trucks during mud season, so we can't get materials in unless we pick them up ourselves.  Hopefully the May 15th date when the road opens will end up being sooner, But in the meantime as soon as the snow melts AGAIN I'll start on the dog fencing and some other plans I have. I will turn this property in a cute and well cared for place again.  

Tomorrow I'm getting another COVID Booster shot , I got the invite from CVS , hoping I can get them to take Anders off their list, I still get calls for him for appointments and its hard to say out loud where he has gone. When actually this is the time of year he would be shipping out, I swear his favorite time of year. He so loved his job. Yes hard to say goodbye but he would call me several times a time when we had cell service and sometimes on the sat phone which was always funny .

I look forward to spring, to walks , to going to events around town, to sitting outside with a campfire. working on my little house and doing whatever cute little things I want to do with it, wait til you see how I'm going to paint my greenhouse...:)  Life is what you make of it, and I'm not going to slow down ! 

Time to watch a movie , hmmm what will it be....

Thursday, March 14, 2024

Another step in the process


Yep, another step in my journey, Anders birthday is today he would of  been 77 years old today, in my opinion too young to not still be here on this living plane with me. He loved life and his biggest joy was our grandchildren he loved to entertain them to no end and they loved to do the same with him.

  I decided since there was too much snow to do anything on my property that I was going to do things today to avoid just sitting here. So I made an appointment for this morning to get a few things settled at our lawyers, then walked around Stowe in a couple of our favorite shops, got some lunch at Debs in Morrisville, went into a local hardware store and got some saw horses to help with my future build, bought some new fun tools yesterday!

  It has been decided since its going to be too muddy too long to get my daughters chicken coop moved out of their backyard, I will build one. If you know me at all you know I like this idea better anyway since I LOVE building things! I drew up the plans and the material list and then....

 BANG! It snowed, two days in a row, got a total of 8" which has delayed my progress....the first day it snow wet HEAVY snow so I only shoveled the end of the driveway for a couple cars and not the front yard...and then more snow the next day so of course where I shoveled its all melted so only my fault that I can't call and get the materials delivered yet because there is too much snow where the coop is going to be.

A friend of mine invited me to go to a concert that was being held at the college in town, Bernie Sanders was there which was really cool and some choruses from schools all over the state, it was a fun time and so grateful that she invited me!

 I'm so very grateful for the friends I have who check in on me, invite me to go places etc. I look forward to when I can invite them here! Currently its a snug fit for people to fit in my little spot with two dogs and three cats sitting on all the furniture. ha ha!

For the most part though I'm doing pretty well, I'm enjoying the gym and eventually look forward to adding another day so that I can start lifting again. Nothing empowers you more than lifting!  I hope as soon as mud season is over that I take a little time to start walking and hopefully running on the loops right out in front of my house.:)  Course I have stuff on the property to do too, clearing enough on the edges of my property so I can put up some fencing for the dogs and will keep my chickens safer too. :) 

Currently I am enjoying the sun shinning through my windows and even opened one to get some fresh air in here. Life is good ,sometimes it has some bumps but I know it's up to me to smooth those bumps and I am determined to do just that. I know thats what Anders wanted me to do, I'm so glad he and I talked so much about my future in the last few months before he passed on.  

Monday, March 4, 2024

Spring is Springing in Vermont

What a great week I've had !  Took a day to bring my two Granddaughters shopping , out to lunch and to the movies. We had the most fun! I love spending time with them! 

A couple great days at the gym and my usual , trip to the laundry mat ( i know people wonder why I like doing that but when you live alone to me its just another way I can intermingle with people and I think thats great!)  

I had lunch with a friend on Monday and another friend on Friday!  I met another neighbor and her son and visited with a couple others, I live in such a friendly neighborhood! 

I started spring clean up since the weather started warming up, One thing about it I sure have plenty to do! I am doing my best to just think about cleaning up around the driveway for now since otherwise it would be overwhelming as nothing has been done to this property in ....20 years! But I'm up for the challenge! Luckily its just a wee bit under and acre so not TOO overwhelming .

Whiskey hangs around with me , Montgomery has to be hitched on his run or he will RUN. Once my spring clean up around the driveway is done than I'll get started on the front yard and put up a fence for the dogs.

 So one part is done I stacked a cord of wood lots of it just junk but will be good for campfires once I get it covered up. I already invited my neighbor Midge to come over and sit by my campfire anytime she sees one burning. She's a nice lady and a widow just like me.  We seem to always have plenty to talk about which is probably because we have that in common. I still need to clean up the wood thats frozen to the ground and want to cut those two small trees down , I won't rake though as all those leaves will keep the grass from growing! Reminds me of that time my family and I thought we would do a nice thing for my Grandfather at his camp that my father eventually owned. We raked all the yard and bagged the leaves to bring to the dump. He made us put them all back because he said he didn't want the grass to grow and have to mow the grass on his vacation..:) 

So all in all its been a great week, I still smile when I take the last corner and see my little house, I love it and honestly If the chickens weren't living in here I wouldn't even mind living here just the way it is. But getting it fixed up will only make it better and I can do all the creative things I want to it because its just all mine..:)