Work continues on my front yard ! I got a HUGE pile of construction materials ( wood) burned up and continue to weed whack the darn tiger lilies (ditch lilies) that are so packed in here.
My son in law Kyle came over and cut down a ton of stuff out front with his chain saw and Izzy has been helping me burn it ( earning money for school clothes!) She is a hard worker and is really good company too! I have purchased a few plants for different sections , I hope to keep the lower section woodsy so no grass but will grow it where the trailer is sitting eventually.
I rode my bike an hour into Morrisville on July 4th to watch the parade and get some strawberry shortcake and BBQ'D chicken! Came home and relaxed in my hammock with a good book!
After Kyle ripped a wall down in my bathroom, I found an envelope filled with money! $30 not pennies! ha ha ha
Your going to realize how wonderful my family is as I this update is filled with alot of Kyle ! He borrowed his neighbors trailer and He and Izzy and I filled it to the brim with 1500 lbs of construction crap! $138 to toss is was alot cheaper than renting a dumpster or calling a trash collector!
This is my favorite part about living here. Photo shows Izzy and Maddie riding bikes from their house ( a mile down the road) Izzy was coming up to help me work, Maddie was coming to build my new lego set....<3 I love that she loves Legos and I can't wait til we can build all my sets up again!
My House wrapped up like a present!
This is where my front door will be and a couple windows..:) during the winter and rainy days will probably use the greenhouse as a mud room.
Yay! So far two brand New windows with views of my backyard . ( not doing anything back there for a bit, need to finish the front first! I have been weedwhacking a path up that hill as going up the hill and walking along the tree line is where the view to the mountains is. Admit I haven't been out there as I just love the view of my front yard!
This is where my front door will be and a couple windows..:) during the winter and rainy days will probably use the greenhouse as a mud room.
Yay! So far two brand New windows with views of my backyard . ( not doing anything back there for a bit, need to finish the front first! I have been weedwhacking a path up that hill as going up the hill and walking along the tree line is where the view to the mountains is. Admit I haven't been out there as I just love the view of my front yard!
Now this was really exciting! Lowes delivering my front windows and door, shower enclosure, vanity, sinks, faucets,
Things are moving now!
All and all things are going well, I am enjoying my life and keeping active most everyday. I need to make a drive to Troy with my sewing machine so its ready to go when I have my space set up to start up my business again! Can't wait to buy a bunch of fabric again! Oh and then I'll have to go get my new wood stove, fridge, range , bed, couch, fold up dining chairs, desk...and build a bunch of shelving...oh yes and that brings me to tears as I am excited but also wish Anders was here with me although I know he would NOT Like living in the camper ha ha!
thanks for reading and following my journey....