Thursday, October 3, 2024

So very close


I'm soooo very close ! The outside is now done except for closing up the old door on the road side but that will be closed up next week. All the insulation is finished. Plumber comes to finish up tomorrow. Most of the wall board is up ! Next week I'll order my new furniture! Oh and start laying my new floor! Got my one cord of wood stacked and ready for a morning burn to sit and drink my coffee in front of my wood stove all cozy like...:) 
Meanwhile I've been having fun, still going to the gym 4 days a week and biking often, I rode 120 miles in September and over 400 miles since I got my new bike. This is me and my bestie Robin we went to a local Home Day fair , walked around, talked to lots of people it was a great day.
The dogs are really going to enjoy the deck once the camper is gone, the gutters are up now so I look forward to sitting here often as it gets so much sun !

I really love my yard, even though currently there is tons of traffic going. by since there is road construction almost everywhere, its kinda fun to watch the cars go by and lot of people walk here and bike and most all of them say Hello. 
I finally got ALL the brush cleared from the fenced in area in my yard. Its taken me all summer and I had a little help from Kyle and Isabel which was wonderful! 

This is the south side of my house and that mess of green is what was in the front yard!  I'll be working on some of this next summer.

Made myself a firepit out of the bricks that were in front of the house. I tried it out today, I think I'll use it a lot!

I'm still not going to show you the inside yet, even though its really coming together, I'm priming the wall boards right now and just finished putting up some ceramic tiles for behind my wood stove that is coming soon.  First order of flooring is coming Wednesday so that I can lay down enough for the woodstove pad to lay on top of. So far it seems like ever step needs another step first before you can do the first one. My heat pump will be running tomorrow though and I'm so pumped about that!  

Okay one inside photo, just to show you my amazing shower! This photo was taken from my kitchen as you can see there is NO wall there yet. LOL  The walls are just primed so need paint and trim , but the shower is amazing, has a radio ha ! 

So my ceilings will go up next week ....closer and closer!