A Learning Experience

So I've discovered that after living 4 years in the Southern Penninsula of Ontario Canada ( where the land is flat like its been ironed) that my legs don't really remember what its like to go up and down hills! I've got some work to do! Back in Ontario I would walk 3 miles a day and last summer biked over 250 Miles. Now the walking maybe easy but the biking its different as even though there are no hills to pump up, there are no hills for coasting down either so its a constant pedal , pedal, pedal. Not to bad with a heavy 15 year old mountain bike!

So now we live on the side of a mountain, I've been walking 2 or 3 times a day on the trails Melissa and Kyle have made on the land out back so figured okay, I'm going to walk to the post office down at the foot of our road. Sounds easy right? Hecks its probably only 2 miles max , could be less, I'll have to measure it just for curiosity now. I headed off on a cool afternoon with my camera in tow incase I saw some interesting things to photograph. Its so beautiful here with all the green coming in on the trees and the birds singing. I walked down the road and soon noticed that at one point I had to really lean back to walk down the steep part of the hill....hmmm what would this be like going up?
So it took me 1/2 an hour to walk to the post office, thats with stopping to chat with a neighbor and taking a couple shots with the camera, I visited with our friendly Post Master John for a bit and headed back home, my legs immediatly
noticed that something was different in the terrain, as I started back up the road, it looked flat but for "flat lander legs" I could tell it wasn't indeed flat! :o) 
I complained to myself and said " oh right Donna, and you said you were going to do this everyday! ha! yeah right! But I was really enjoying the walk though, its so wonderful to be back in the Mountains again, even as good as being on the lake... :o)Shortly after turning around to go back home I noticed the grade going up hill a bit more after awhile but I just took a few stops "to take some photos of course!" :o)
So yep the hill turned into a bigger hill, and It came to mind that this winter we most always put our Jeep in 4 wheel drive to get up it and occassionally Kyle couldn't make it up the hill with Melissas little car....
I was really glad that Melissa got a magazine in the mail so I could read a bit after walking up the really steep part...:o)
Finally could see the top of the hill , I was enjoying the coolness in the wooded shade of the woods.
And then finally I could see the end of our driveway...:o)
And there was our house, yea! Okay, I'm not proud of it but it took me 1 and 1/2 hours to walk back up the hill! Yikes! So thats a goal for the summer! Course I did stop several times to take photos though too. :o)
Before we actually moved here and I was still living in Ontario, I was worried that I'ld really miss living on the lake , I saw some amazing sites while living there and glad I got to experience the storms on the Lake. Now that I'm here I realize this truly is my home, Vermont is something that gets in your blood, the peace, the beauty, the comfort I get from being in the Mountains. Then of course its so wonderful to be closer to Zach and Melissa and Viola and Kyle too! Now alls I need is for Anders to get his butt home! Nice thing? As I am typing this thats just what hes doing, driving our Jeep to Vermont for a months holiday here at our home in the Mountains of Vermont.
mmmmm this is the life!
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