Monday, February 21, 2011

Home made Mayonnaise

I am trying really hard to remember how this came about. Me attempting to make things instead of buy them at the grocery store.  I think it might have been when we started getting "home grown" Chickens from my daughter. The more we thought about it the more it made sense , we have a big garden why not work at trying to avoid those "pre packaged" foods that come with all those ingredients I can't spell or pronounce!  So it started I put up jars and jars of tomato sauce last fall that I've been making, spaghetti sauce , tomato soup and ketchup with. Making our own breads, rolls, muffins, cookies , granola bars.  Make our own vanilla ( easy, put a sliced open vanilla bean in a pint canning jar filled 1/3 up with water , the rest with rum or vodka , cover and put away. Shake it when ever you open your cupboard and see it there and its ready to use in a couple months. I try to have a couple so that I never run out, its so good in not just baking but in hot chocolate, waffles , drinks!  Any how so I'm feeling really good about the fact that our trips to the grocery store are sure different since we don't go down even 1/2 the aisles! Next I think I need a pasta maker.... :)

So this was my newest experiment and my Husband gave it his sign of approval so here is the recipe!
I used my food processor but I'm sure a blender would work just as well.

blend slowly :
1 egg
1 tsp dry mustard
1 teaspoon salt
and 1/4 cup of oil
while the machine is still blending add another
1/2 cup of oil
3 tablespoons of vinegar

then add another 1/2 cup of oil
blend till smooth and add
a bit of cayenne pepper

This recipe makes about 2 cups.

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