While I am baking like crazy today to prepare for Thanksgiving tomorrow I thought I'd share some thoughts about what makes this day special for me.

I started preparations yesterday , making the dough for my Moms "famous" sticky buns. I misplaced the recipe for awhile and had to try a few different recipes but none of them measured up for my family. When I found it again I pretty much "lost" it for a bit ( I am a VERY emotional person that my family can attest to.) Having the recipe in my Moms own hand writing makes it even that much more special and I can't count the number of times that I kiss the recipe card before I make those rolls, Holidays are wonderful times but they sure make you miss the people who are gone from your life. ( photo shows the precious recipe being held by the recipe card holder my son made me in Boy scouts.
This morning I got up at 6:30 to start the prep work for the days events ahead. I got out my two sets of measuring cups, 3 sets of measuring spoons, bowls etc. and to think I used to think you only needed one set. Hah! I love have extra ! When your baking a lot of things, having the extra supplies comes in handy. First thing I did was to peel up a pie pumpkin and get it steaming. While that was going I put together the gingerbread cookies at a request from my son for "nannas" frosted gingerbread cookies. The ingredients call for baking soda, ginger and vinegar , I had to call my Husband in when I put in the vinegar! It reminded me of when I had my daycare and all the kids loved the chemical reaction in the cookie dough when I added the vinegar to the baking soda and ginger. He wasn't nearly as excited as they used to be though. But that was okay it brought back a great memory for me and made me excited to think of baking with the Grandkids soon! I took out Anders Moms big rolling pin to roll the dough out and cut out the turkey shapes , baked them to frost later.

Next came making a couple loaves of pumpkin bread with the pumpkin I just pureed in the food processor. Soon the kitchen was smelling so good with memories of thanksgiving, Christmas Carols playing on the radio, making it seem so much more like an oncoming Holiday. My Husband came down from upstairs and started his work cleaning up the house for the arrival of the kids and Grand babies tomorrow. While the pumpkin bread was baking I put together the dough for butter honey bread since if your going to roast a turkey you need bread for cold turkey sandwiches later on. Oh now that I love. I have to say I think Turkey is my favorite meal of all. I love the smell, the taste and all the leftovers!

The pumpkin bread was out of the oven and I put the butter honey bread in the loaf pans to rise again, then started work on a cheese cake, while in that process realized I didn't have sour cream so my Husband offered to run an errand for me. Whew!

While he was out I opened up a bag of nuts and started looking for a nut cracker, low and behold in the bottom of our silverware/everything drawer was a tarnished old nutcracker but once I held it in my hand I knew where it came from. It for sure came across the ocean with Anders and his family when they immigrated from Denmark so long ago. I dug around to find some silver polish, when Anders got home he polished it up. It felt good knowing we have a few treasured things from Anders family to be apart of our celebration no matter how small, they are so important to us.

Speaking of the nutcracker reminds me that this summer my daughter in laws Mom was over for a few months from Germany. One after noon she and I were peeling potatoes and she shook her head at my sad potato peeler and told me that she would be sure I got a better one. Well low and behold when my son and wife went to visit her family in Germany last month she sent them home with her potato peeler for me. So yes of course tomorrow will will indeed be using it. Another family member represented!

Back to preparations, After Anders returned with the sour cream for the cheese cake I pulled out my cheesecake pan. Now this is another special pan for me. This pan belonged to my ex husbands Mother. Barbara was a very special lady, although when her son and I were to marry she wasn't happy about it because we were so very young. But I won her over eventually with the fact we had so many things in common, we both loved crafting, sewing and baking! Yes she was right about us marrying to young but I am so happy that I do have a couple treasured things that belonged to her as she was such an important part of my life too. I remember when she was diagnosed with Cancer, when she and "Dad" moved to florida and before hand she gave me some of her baking things, at the time I wondered why because I didn't know why she would want to get rid of them since she loved to bake so. But now I know why, since I guess she must of known what lie ahead. I remember sitting with her knitting a sweater she was making me while she lie in bed. So, yes I am happy that I have her cheesecake pan and a wonderful cookie sheet I used earlier. Also I am so happy that her son and I even though we are no longer married are very good friends and I'm sorry that he and his wife Debbie won't be here to join us like that were last year and so many years before that as well. I'm so glad that for our children and grandchildren we have come together as a big family.

The cheesecake was baking so I started peeling the apples for an apple pie for my daughter Melissa. She isn't a big cookie eater but I know she loves apple pies. Then of course since you have to have ice cream on apple pie ( although my Dad always had his with an extra sharp slice of cheese) I prefer the ice cream so I started some vanilla gelato.
Then pureed some more pumpkin and made a pumpkin pie, now you may look at the crust and say, what did she do, but I am one person who doesn't like pie crust, my Mom used to actually make me little pies without crust..yes I was spoiled! So anyhow I made a "skinny" crust for this pie since actually not too many of our family here even LIKES pumpkin pie...oh how handy!

I put together the sticky buns and baked them leaving a few extras plain for us to eat ourselves later, made some raspberry sauce for the cheese cake and pulled out a stick of butter to use for the frosting for the cookies.I made a huge pan of sticky buns which will disappear magically tomorrow either by eating or when the kids go home.

The apple pie was done, alls thats left to do is frost the cookies then tomorrow do the usual peeling potatoes, squash and getting that big turkey ready! I can't wait!
I won't bake with any else buy King Arthur Flour ( made in Vermont!) or Domino Sugar!
Yes that IS a 25 lb bag of flour and I buy once at least every other month!
So tomorrow we will have a wonderful day with our kids and grandkids and even though new traditions have come in, we still have a few old ones around although with the precious things that I use to bake with. Of course tomorrow I'll use my Moms turkey pan and put the turkey in a brown paper bag just like my Mom did and my Grandmother before her did. No dry turkey here! I get a lot of odd looks when I tell people about that but I will never cook it any other way.
Another great look at our day today. We had a fresh fall of snow and even though by February I really will be tired of shoveling it, I sure do love seeing it. Makes all our "sticks" look so beautiful!
Have a Blessed Holiday and I do hope you have as many cherished memories as I do and that you and your family enjoy the day as much as we will here!
God Bless!
1 comment:
On a further note: Melissa may love apple pies but her dog Ollie ate it all off the counter before she had a chance to eat it! Gobble Gobble!
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