Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Still hanging in there

I've really enjoyed the sunny days, things are melting fast! This particular day I got out my deck chairs and relaxed in the sunshine , its nice as there is a brook across the road that I can hear quite well, its so relaxing.

Most of the pictures I take are of my cats! I'm a crazy cat lady!
Whiskey is doing pretty well I think his vision has failed a lot and he doesn't like going to for walks anymore but he is really good company and he is trustworthy!
Peanutbutter is my princess and most always sleeps with her paws crossed.
 I can't wait until I can get a chicken coop up! At first I thought it would be awesome having the chickens attached to the house. Not so much! Between the rooster crowing and walking to and from the garage/storage area tracking in hay and shavings is a big pain. On really nice days I put a gate up and the cats enjoy going in hanging out with them though! ha ha!
My other senior Thelma will need a big hair cut once its warmer.
I finally found my vacuum cleaner and can't believe the difference once I cleaned up the floors I had been using a broom but it almost makes me feel normal using the vacuum ha ha ha! 
I feel so blessed to have so many wonderful friends, I've been for walks with, out to lunch with, chat with, visit.  I thank you all!!
So one of the things I was looking forward to with this move was down time. After the last couple years with all the stress of all Anders appointments, tests, procedures and caring for him. The time to just be able to breath in and out is amazing. Reading, watching movies, doing crossword puzzles.  I know this spot is tiny but I can really say I love it. Its all mine and I love it, 

I've decided no kitties will ever go outside here, too much traffic goes by since I live at a four way intersection,  they will enjoy it more when the walls get knocked down in here so they have more room , I'll probably make some more fun things for them to do in here too. ( my brain is constantly thinking of ideas!) 

Newest update I had a fellow come in this past week and take measurements and will come up with an estimate on helping get things started on the rebuild once Melissa and Kyle come up this spring and help rip down the ceilings and walls!  Course first I need a chicken coop, and the camper, and a dumpster! As soon as I can I'll be working on the front yard which is overgrown bushes and small saplings, So hope to get down there maybe even this coming weekend to start cleaning it up so that I can eventually put up a fence for Montgomery, eventually I want to fence in the whole property but I'll settle for one section for now !  Until then I get out most every day to do something, the gym, laundry, groceries, walks , post office, library. 

I've had a lot of people want to come up to see my new place but I'm holding you all off until I'm ready for the grand reveal. ha ha Hoping by then I'll have a buyer for my 31' camper too! 
Okay time to watch a starwars movie over again. :)

Friday, February 16, 2024

settling in


Well I made it through Valentines Day, the photo here was taken of Anders and I at the traditional Captains Ball we went to several until he retired. It was a week of meetings for him, but the company would fill the wives and girlfriends week with activities, like classes in jewelry making, bartending classes, vineyard tours etc. We also had a blast bowling at night with drinks of course ha ha! This was the one year they had a professional photographer and I treasure this photo so very much. I'm so proud of his Career as I know he was too.

Anyhow I filled valentines day  reading mostly as it was a really cold day and not good for walking, I was thinking that I would be starting to clean up the front yard soon as the snow was melting like crazy but today that changed as we got close to 6" last night so clean up will have to wait.  I'm anxious though as I have a lot of ideas floating around in my head! 

I am really getting comfortable in my little space, today when I drove to the gym it was so beautiful driving on my road with the fresh snow , I had a great work out and enjoyed visiting with friends there. Driving home and seeing my little house I had to really remark out loud how happy I am. I love this little space and I look forward to really making it my own this summer.  Its a great feeling knowing its all mine and I can do whatever I want to it.  Selling our house has relieved me of mortgage payments, car payments, medical bills all of it.  I can just enjoy my life and work on my little house and .8 acre of property. Photo is me looking through one of the garage doors that will eventually be taken out and windows put in its place. The chickens are enjoying this spot and yes those are the windows to my bedroom in the back ! 

I've been enjoying going to my Granddaughters basketball games, and being available to help out when I'm needed.  I hung a bird feeder so right now I'm loving relaxing on my "couch" looking out the window and seeing the birds, eventually I'll get a couple that stick to the windows. 

I haven't done much else to the property other than moving all the firewood that was in the front over to the house or in the big pile out on the north side.  I'm pretty much limited until spring comes, I do have a guy coming next week that I'm going to have give me a quote on doing some of the work that I don't want to do myself, and I have a couple other people to call so I have options. 

So basically I'm doing good , I feel content, and happy. I'm keeping busy most days but enjoying the quiet of winter to find peace in reading and doing crossword puzzles , watching movies and walking when the weather cooperates!

Spring is getting closer but in the meantime I am happy in the the decision to downsize and move here..:)

Saturday, February 10, 2024

Everyday journey


So this week the electric company sent some guys up to cut down a few trees that could endanger the power lines. They took down three in the end which gives my little spot more light and a feeling of openness . I am envisioning fencing in my little front yard with some nice looking board fence for the chickens. Once the camper comes and goes of course. My latest project is consolidating the endless piles of aged firewood. I started with a plastic sled but the snow is melting so fast I got rid of them and thought I'd use my wheelbarrow. Of course the tire was flat and of course my compressor leaks ( a trip to the dump is in its future!) So went to fill up the tire yesterday and in between basketball games I hope to get the wood moved. Right now I'm watching the little red Squirrels and chickadees that have found the birdfeeder I sat on top of the wood pile I'm going to move!  There is an apple tree behind it that I will hand the birdfeeder on once I can get to it. Conveniently one of the guys who helped with the trees wants the wood so he took a big load while they were here and coming this weekend to fill his truck again. Sure I could sell it but you know these days everyone needs a little help so I told him just take it.

 My dog Montgomery loves being outside, course I have to hitch him on a rope as he is a runner. He got loose once yesterday which has made me realize while he is outside I need to leave my keys handy as have to catch him with the car. Luckily he didn't get far but I can't wait to get a least some of the yard fenced in.  Which before I can do that, I need to cut some branches and small saplings down. Everything that needs doing has a list in front of it that has to get done first!  BREATHE DONNA!

I discovered yesterday that when I do cut down the saplings on the south side of the house I will have a nice view from my future great room and greenhouse of the mountains. Better from up the hill but I'm excited that I will be able to see them from the house...if only just a spot!

I've got someone coming soon to check out my roof as I found a drip on the garage, so either he will fix the leak or we will replace the roof whatever is warranted. He is also going to quote me on helping with the reno parts that I don't feel confident in doing myself. I've got a plumber lined up to give me a quote as well, as once its ready I will indeed be getting a heatpump for my little space. There is a lot to think about but in the meantime, I'm adjusting to my space, I'm getting out a few times a week and eventually I hope to maybe start a least one of my hobbies when I get inspired to do such. Currently while I'm home I love to watch movies, read and do crossword puzzles..:)  Loving the mild weather, hoping it stays as I'm ready for real spring!

So I'm smiling , walking when I can and adjusting to my new life.

Monday, February 5, 2024

The sun shines!

 Every day is another step!  I think I rearrange the 5 pieces of furniture in my teenie space everyday ! ha! mainly trying to find a spot I can sit myself since so often all of it has a critter in it!
This week I cleaned out the garage which is where eventually my bedroom will be!  Once my material list is Kyle approved I'll order it so it will be ready when he's ready..:)

The woodstove is a daily challange since its so stinking big, looking forward to eventually getting a smaller version and use it only on really chilly days or when the power goes out. right now its start it up in the morning and slowly let it go out so that It doesn't get too hot at night.

Love the sun that shines in the morning!  I am looking out my kitchen window right now and see the sun setting up the hill come spring I know I'll be spending a lot of time up there in the evenings.  AFTER I get up the dog fencing....

morning sun kitties and doggies, well dog, Montgomery spent the day outside since it was so nice out!

I went for a great walk today, just a couple miles down the road and back, the views on this road are amazing. There are so many options on directions to walk too and a couple loops I can make. I didn't take either dog, Whiskey can't walk that far and Montgomery would of been muddy up to his knees....

Just me enjoying the day, looking forward to tomorrow because its gym day and basketball game day! ( Admit the games are so much fun but bittersweet because I know Anders would of LOVED to watch the girls play ...)

So I continue to clean stuff out and make lists on things I need to do so one day at a time!

Thursday, February 1, 2024

Its all your own point of view


Life is good especially when your Granddaughters love to bake and bring you an order of Chocolate Chip cookies..:) Yes I love to bake too but currently I have no oven! Well yes, there is a tiny Gas range here but I had them disconnect the propane as I didn't want to deal with it and won't buy a new electric range until after Demo Day.  So yes I requested cookies and oh they didn't disappoint! Thank you Izzy B!

So today I did the laundry, went to the bank , the post office, got a new Library Card I don't think I've had a library card since I was in high school! So I got a couple books to read! I went to have lunch , the BLT here is amazing although I have them NOT use pesto on it, I can not stand that stuff!

While I was there I overheard a couple who were having lunch together easy to do since there were only a few people there. Anyhow from the conversation  I could attain that they both had recently lost their spouses. The woman was freaking out over the fact she needed to buy a new counter top.....I actually had to prevent myself from laughing out loud as I was wondering how she would handle what my project is! Thats when I really realized there are so many people who can see my vision and then others that have no clue and don't know why I would leave my beautiful home to live here! I came up with this. We all have our own point of view, we also all have our own poverty level, for some spending $10.00 is a lot of money, to others $100  etc etc.   The point of view, well for me why do I need 1750 square feet of house and 11 acres of land for just me? I don't!  My little house will end up around 700' and I have just under and acre of land here that i hope won't have much more than a postage stamp lawn to me . Its going to be perfect. Meanwhile while I wait for spring I am paoing the living/kitchen area just one more wall to go.


AFTER! amazing what a little paint does! 


After! So much brighter and cheerier! So glad I brought some paint from Eden as I wouldn't want to waste money buying paint for walls that are just going to get ripped down!  One more wall to go then I'll get back to organizing the garage . I've actually made good progress though.

Regardless? I'm feeling good, it was a good day, I actually slept 7 hours thanks to dr benadryl, the tarp over the garage door, and decided to read in bed instead of watching a movie and no loading up the woodstove after 6pm!