Monday, February 5, 2024

The sun shines!

 Every day is another step!  I think I rearrange the 5 pieces of furniture in my teenie space everyday ! ha! mainly trying to find a spot I can sit myself since so often all of it has a critter in it!
This week I cleaned out the garage which is where eventually my bedroom will be!  Once my material list is Kyle approved I'll order it so it will be ready when he's ready..:)

The woodstove is a daily challange since its so stinking big, looking forward to eventually getting a smaller version and use it only on really chilly days or when the power goes out. right now its start it up in the morning and slowly let it go out so that It doesn't get too hot at night.

Love the sun that shines in the morning!  I am looking out my kitchen window right now and see the sun setting up the hill come spring I know I'll be spending a lot of time up there in the evenings.  AFTER I get up the dog fencing....

morning sun kitties and doggies, well dog, Montgomery spent the day outside since it was so nice out!

I went for a great walk today, just a couple miles down the road and back, the views on this road are amazing. There are so many options on directions to walk too and a couple loops I can make. I didn't take either dog, Whiskey can't walk that far and Montgomery would of been muddy up to his knees....

Just me enjoying the day, looking forward to tomorrow because its gym day and basketball game day! ( Admit the games are so much fun but bittersweet because I know Anders would of LOVED to watch the girls play ...)

So I continue to clean stuff out and make lists on things I need to do so one day at a time!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are doing great!!!