First thing along my walk I noticed to discover it IS Spring was the sound of "Peepers" in the air! Some places people might have snakes or crocs in their swamps..well we have "Peepers" they won't hurt you but if you don't like the sound of "Peep, Peep, Peep" over and over then they might just drive you a bit nutty. Me, I love um.!
We have had alot of rain this spring, plus a huge snow storm dropping 2 feet of snow and melting in 3 days so we've got no water shortages here!
Interesting how the trees in in full bloom down in the valley where up in the mountains where we live the buds haven't opened fully yet.
Uh Oh, the skies were getting really dark ahead at this point I still had about a mile and a half to walk , luckily from this point on there were plenty of places to duck in to if it started raining. This is the reason I brought my cell phone to take photos and nt my Canon Rebel Xti, the cell phone is MUCH easier to stuff in a pocket to stay dry!
Now I"m walking into Montgomery Village, I love it here, such a quaint little Town with well taken care of homes and beautiful gardens to enjoy.
Another sign of all that water, course with all the mountains around the water does have to come down..:) This is a beautiful little brook though with a few water falls further up which I can even hear from our house after the rains fall.
Looking at back at where I had been, the road had recently been graded and was quite slick and muddy to walk on glad I wore my hiking shoes with the grippy soles. Almost home about 1/2 mile to go but the hardest part as the elevation is about to move up from 400 feet to 800 feet quick!
There is something special about Vermont. Usually though I can see a mountain in the distance there but it was all covered up with clouds from the upcoming storm.
In the distance I can see the hill that soon I'll be climbing, I remember when I first moved here it took me so long to walk up there , having to stop and rest so many times, but living here has made me healthier and now I can walk up it and rest just to enjoy the sites! What do they stay , you have to stop to smell the roses , right?
Up we go , luckily the mud was drier here or the walk up would of been quite difficult.
First grade almost over on to the next one. It was a beautiful day, what a great walk.
Around here we've got animals everywhere, I found several deer tracks crossing the road.
Almost home and I'm still smiling.:)
When I got home I did some gardening until the storm hit. Oh and what a storm it was, the wind came up like crazy and I saw two trees topple over , I ran inside and I thought, " oh my, I'm so glad I got home before THAT started!"
Later on that afternoon, I had to walk back down into the center to pick up my Jeep, the sky was blue and it looked like the storm was over so I got my sneakers back on and grabbed my raincoat just incase. The sky was blue most of the way but when I got on the stretch where there are no houses I looked behind me to see this...
Yep, there was rain in the air and it was coming fast, so I put it in high gear to see if I could beat it before it got to where I was.
Well, after a bit I could see that wasn't going to happen, luckily the town garage was right up ahead and I knew they had a big open garage for the sand and salt , I walked inside a bit a few minutes later it let loose! Wow I was glad I had a place to take cover!
When the rain let up to a sprinkle I stepped outside and looked back to see blue sky coming so I zipped up my coat and put up my hood and started walking again. It actually felt quite refreshing!

Spring is in the air!
So I finally saw the garage in site , the chill in the air had got to my bones so when I saw this sign I thought. hmmmm PIzza for dinner...what a great idea! Usually I do make my own but after walking 5 miles today I figured heck let someone else make me dinner! And thats what I did!
So that was my adventure for the day! Now I hear we are getting snow...I guess its my fault since I had the snow tires taken off!
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