Saturday, December 9, 2023

Lists , Lists and more Lists !


This photo I "borrowed" from one of the groups I belong to on Facebook, people who live in their campers/RV full time all year round all over the country. So for those who greet me with "YOUR GOING TO FREEZE" instead of way to go, have fun, this is for you :) 

Now keep in mind I am NOT going to live in my camper forever, just until I get my little 650' house build and ready to move into.Once I'm there, I honestly am not going to rush about it, I want to make this as stressless as possible I've had enough of that for a lifetime.

I am a list maker, I always have been. I get up in the morning and think about the things I need to do for the day and I write it down. Now I have lists of lists....I'm hoping it makes for a more peaceful transition.  I am starting to make piles of things that will go to the camper of course: things for entertainment games, art materials, cooking, eating, cleaning, things to keep me warm. Another pile to go in the "cabin" which are things I might want easy access to: my extra clothes, sewing machine, my business stock and fabric all which will be stored in plastic totes, a couch to sit by the wood stove with the dogs and then the rest will get stored in the garage for either permanent  storage or until the house is built.  

My Grandchildren were here for a bit yesterday we watched Christmas movies , Izzy crafted, Maddy and I played some games. It was just what I needed Love those girls so much!

I emptied out the chicken coop/greenhouse yesterday of everything except the chickens and their food and water. They will be easy to move I have a couple crates and luckily I only have 9 chickens, I hope my new neighbor across the road won't mind hearing Coffee my little rooster!  The goats I still am wondering about them, I worry that this move is going to stress them out and being senior citizens thats really not a great thing. But I'll do everything I can to make it easier for them.  

We've got a big storm coming in tomorrow so I'm going to run into town to get a few things so this addition to my upcoming journey will end now. 


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

You got this Donna! You got this! (y)

Laurent from accross the border!

Donna Rasmussen said...

thank you!!